FV Vantage (FV) assisted an aviation client with a $5.3M equipment loan over 5 years. The equipment is projected to add at a minimum $400k-$600k per month in revenue.

FV was able to align a fitting lender that was able to work with this relatively newer aviation business owner to help them get off the ground flying towards hockey stick growth ahead with new certifications recently approved, this client is set to explode and take the industry by storm filling a much neededindustry gap.

Over the next 1 to 2 quarters, the client will be in a stronger financial position with the additional revenue to move forward with the acquisition of another similar piece of equipment to further expand and grow revenue.

With FV’s assistance not just in the sourcing of the right fit funding but also in the negotiations for the best possible terms at the time, created a win winfor the client and the lender. The lender is able to achieve a higher return on their capital in the shorter term by believing in the client while the client has the opportunity to expedite it’s growth plans and ability to receive a discount if able to provide lender with an exit on month 18.

FV’s guidance and solutions not only successfully assisted client with the successful funding to accelerate growth plans, but also positions client well to being an attractive borrower and sponsor for lender and investors to believe in and willing to deploy capital in support of.


  • Client
    Loan To Value
    No. of Loans
    Amount Funded
    Loan Term
    Avg Ann. Rev.
    Time to Fund
  • Aviation Business
    Equipment Financing
    54 Months
    Equipment purchase adds $400k-$600k per month in revenue.
    365 Days

Disclaimer. All quantities and values are approximated. This case study is written as a high-level overview illustrating actual solution provided for educational purposes only. To uphold confidentiality, identifiable information has not been disclosed and all figures approximated. This case study should not be understood or used for any legal, tax or financial advice. Please seek the proper counsel of qualified professionals before making any investment or financial decisions.

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